Wednesday, April 1, 2015

baby #4||week 13

I feel like I had a MAJOR growth spurt this week.
I still take all my bump pictures first thing in the morning each week before eating so I know it is not bloat. 

Weight gain/loss: 95.8lbs +1lb from last week (pretty much exactly where I was last pregnancy)

Sleep: Napping only once or so this week now that I have more energy I haven't needed them. I have been waking up a few times a night and having trouble falling back to sleep.  

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: For the first time since about 5 weeks pregnant I had some coffee and it didn't taste nearly as bad as it had. But half way through my cup I started feeling sick so I stopped drinking it. Red meat still makes me nauseous and I have been craving chipotle and peanut butter haha random. 

Movement: I think I felt flutters once this week when I was moving around in bed trying to get comfortable!

What I'm loving: Feeling more like myself having more energy.

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, random nauseaemotional, exhaustion, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad at is was.

Exercise: I have finally started excising again! My goal is three days a week and now that it is getting warmer out I plan to go on walks like I did when I was pregnant with Trent.

What I'm looking forward to: More flutters!! 

Differences from Trent's pregnancy: This time last pregnancy I was not wearing maternity clothes, this time I have been wearing maternity leggings since like 6 weeks pregnant. They are just so comfortable! I also was having heartburn luckily I haven't had much or headaches this time. 

Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged from 170 to 174bpm


Days until our next appointment: 15 days
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 7 days (though some say 13 weeks)
Days until due date: 190 days 

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