Weight gain/loss: 94.4lbs same as last week. Hoping to gain a pound a week now that I am feeling a little bit better.
Sleep: I haven't been napping everyday like I was which feels great because I would usually wake up groggy. Stilling going to bed early around 8 or 9pm though.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still absolutely no coffee, not much meat either. Yesterday was the first day in FORVER that I didn't throw up. I felt pretty good all day and I really hope it continues!
Movement: Not yet, but I started feeling kicks around 14 weeks with Trent and Oliver.
Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, nausea especially at night (after 7pm), exhaustion, skin is still breaking out, but not as bad at is was, and emotional.
What I'm looking forward to: Our appointment this afternoon!
Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged from 174 to 178bpm
Home doppler: Last night the doppler ranged from 174 to 178bpm
Days until our next appointment: TODAY
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 14 days
Days until due date: 197 days
*Look out later today for an update after my NT scan this afternoon. I will also be posting about what I eat during an average day this first trimester. Later this week ill do an old wives tale post that I did with Trent you can find it here!
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