Wednesday, March 11, 2015

baby #4|| week 10

How big is baby: This week the baby is the size of a prune.

Weight gain/loss: 95.0 no weight gain yet this pregnancy.

Sleep: I've recently been having a lot of trouble falling asleep whether it is just a nap or going to bed at night it takes forever. Once I am asleep though I sleep well. 

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Still absolutely no coffee or red meat! Occasionally I will be able to eat chicken. No real cravings yet. 

Movement: Not yet

What I'm loving: Announcing on social media! It has been hard to keep such a big secret.  

Symptoms: Weird vivid dreams, waves of all day nausea, exhaustion, skin is breaking out, emotional still crying at random times. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our appointment today!


Days until our next appointment: Today! 
Days until second trimester (14 weeks): 29 days
Days until due date: 211 days 

I have always known I am very blessed to be married to Matt. I want to remember the little things he has done that have made a big difference during this rough first trimester. 

1. Running to fill my water bottle when he hears me throwing up. 
2. Leaving work early to surprise me with my random cravings (even if they are 20 minutes out of his way home.)
3. Putting our three boys to bed while I lay on the couch miserable (this one has happened at least 20 times.)
4. Making us all the dinner I asked for then once it is in front of me I can't eat it.. so he happily makes a whole different meal just for me. 
5. Cleaning our bathrooms so I don't have to breathe in any of the chemicals.
6. Cleaning the house in general because I am too tired to do the laundry or too sick to clean up the mess in the kitchen. 
7. Unlimited foot massages
8. Not taking offense to my EXTREME moodiness this pregnancy.
9. Making me take time out of the house alone even when I use every excuse not to go. 
10. Telling me I look the most beautiful I have ever looked. Even when I know for a fact I need to brush my teeth, shower, and put on real clothes. 

He is the best husband and most caring father. I love you so much Matt. Thank you for all you do.

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