Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Week 33

Happy New Year! 
6 weeks to go...

33 weeks pregnant with Oliver
33 weeks with baby #3
What is baby up to at 33 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a durian fruit--weighs in at about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.
  • He may grow up to a full inch this week! 
  • Baby is starting to coordinate his breathing with his sucking and swallowing.

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +1 lbs this week, weighing 112.6lbs for a total of 16 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Not too much this week, I have been trying to rest more often to keep my feet from swelling.
Craving: Cake, candy and cookies... I blame this on the holidays. 
Eating: Donuts, pineapples, bananas, apple slices with peanut butter, chicken, cheeseburgers, and candy.

  • Movement: Sometimes I look down and see a foot poking out by my ribs
  • Sleep: I can't sleep on my back, I obviously can't sleep on my stomach and my hips have been aching so sleep has not been going very well this week. 
  • Out of breath 
  • Discomfort
  • Braxton Hicks: I have been getting these randomly throughout the day-- nothing painful though. 
  • Swollen feet: This is due to me having to drive a lot this week and not drinking enough water

This Week:

Charlie Horse: I had my first charlie horse this weekend. I was deep asleep and it was around 3am. I remember feeling like a knife was being twisted into my right calf. I was almost in tears! It woke Matt up, he had to rub my muscle and it went away pretty fast thank goodness because it hurt so badly. All the next day my muscle was super sore. I don't know what triggered muscle spasm but I really hope to never have one ever again! I read online that one cause can be dehydration, so I am trying my best to drink more water.

New Car: This past weekend once we got home from a close friends wedding. Matt and I traded in his white jetta for another white car... though this one is a little bigger! Ha ha! We bought a new Honda Odyssey EX-L! It is sooo spacious and I can't wait to get more used to driving it/parking it.

Wedding Anniversary: Matt and I celebrated our wedding anniversary last night. We got married on New Year's Eve two years ago. We had a lovely dinner, just the two of us and went to see The Wolf of Wall Street. A big thank you to my parents for watching our boys so we could enjoy what most likely was our last date night out for a long time!   

Hospital Bag: I will probably start making a list of the things we will need for our stay at the hospital soon and start packing. Both our boys came earlier than their scheduled c-section dates-- Landon was 11 weeks early and Oliver was 2 weeks early. We really do hope to make it to February 12th!

Just For Fun:

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 2 
  • Days until c-section: 42
  • Total pounds gained:16

What I love: Being able to say I am due next month!!!
Looking Forward To: Matt scheduled me for my first prenatal massage at Red Door Spa this week. I always wanted one! He is so thoughtful! I am also looking forward to my doctors appointment/ultrasound on Friday :)


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