Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 30

9 weeks or less...

What is baby up to at 30 weeks?

  • Baby is the size of a large cabbage – or about 15.7 inches and 3 pounds
  • His eye sight is continuing to develop
  • He is strong enough to grasp a finger!
30 weeks pregnant with Oliver
30 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?  
Weight Gain: +1 lbs weighing 110.2lbs, a total of 14 pounds gained this pregnancy
Exercise: Chasing after two toddlers all day.
Craving: Still chocolate! I eat it at least once a day usually, a few times a day.
Eating: Chocolate, cereal, apples, bananas, cheese with crackers, peanut butter, chicken and salad.

  • Sleep: I have been waking up a lot at night this week to use the restroom, usually 3 or 4 times.
  • Movement: Big kicks and rolls around the same time everyday, some are even becoming painful. Also, I realized that almost every night this week I have fallen asleep to him kicking.
  • Dry skin (everywhere)
  • Emotional: Mood swings
  • Stuffy Nose: Mostly when I wake up (had this symptom with Landon)

By the Number:
  • Days until our next appointment: 9
  • Days until Christmas: 14
  • Days until our wedding anniversary/New year's eve: 20
  • Days until c-section: 63
  • Total pounds gained:14

What I love: Feeling relatively comfortable at 30 weeks.
Looking Forward To: Spending the next two months with my two sons, before I have to split my attention for them three ways!

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