Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 23

What is baby up to at 23 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a grapefruit or around 12 inches and weighs just over a pound.
  • At 23 weeks blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing to prepare for breathing.
  • Also this week his cochlea- the inner ear mechanism that houses all components of hearing- is fully formed. Which means he can now hear what I hear just not at the same level according to BabyCenter.
23 weeks pregnant with Oliver
23 weeks pregnant with baby #3

How is mama doing?
Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 103.0lbs
Exercise: A few double stroller walks and a few YouTube pregnancy work out videos (mostly just stretches)   
Craving: Green peppers on pizza, on sandwiches, on anything and chocolate strawberries
Eating: Green peppers, pretzels, crab cakes, chocolate, grapes and peanut butter with apples/bananas
Maternity clothes: Still loving my maternity leggings!

  • Sleep: Waking up once or twice a night to use the bathroom
  • Movement: Some big rolls this week and I felt him hiccup a few times! So sweet.
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil and I just started using coconut oil again too (I use one or the other everyday)
  • Backache: Already having some mild backaches 
  • Crazy dreams
This past weekend we went to Cox farms with my parents. It was definitely harder this time than it was last year since both boys are running around now! Ha ha

Cox Farms 2013

Cox Farms 2012
By the Number
  • Days until our 24 week doctor appointment: 6
  • Days until Halloween: 8
  • Days until we move: 10
  • Days until c-section: 112
  • Total pounds gained: 7
What I love: Almost being 6 months pregnant :)

Looking Forward To: Our 24 weeks appointment in 6 days!

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