Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 22

Feeling a lot bigger this week!

What is baby up to at 22 weeks?
  • Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash or around 11 inches and about 1 pound!
  • At 22 weeks he has more developed eyes and lips, and is looking even more like a newborn
  • He also sleeps in cycles- about 12 to 14 hours per day according to The Bump
22 weeks with Landon
22 weeks with baby #3
22 weeks with Oliver
22 weeks with baby #3

How is mama doing?

Weight Gain: +1 pound this week putting me at 102.2lbs
Exercise: Not too much this week it has been rainy
Craving: Peanut butter 
Eating: Peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter with pretzels, grapes, chicken, milkkk lots of milk regular and chocolate
Maternity clothes: I have been living in my Splendid maternity leggings! They are my favorite maternity clothing item.

  • Tired: Napping during the boys nap time most days this week
  • Movement: Not as active this week but he still kicks a few times a day and they are stronger than ever.
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil about everyday
  • Leg/Arm falling asleep: I wake up a few times a night to an arm or a leg asleep and it actually kind of hurts a little. 
By the Number:
  • Days until our 24 week doctor appointment:13
  • Days until Halloween:15
  • Days until we move:16
  • Days until c-section:119
  • Total pounds gained:6

    What I love: Every morning when I wake up, our little guy kicks around for a few minutes... As if he is saying "I am awake too, mama!" :)

    Looking Forward To: Moving in two weeks! We finally found the perfect townhouse just a few minutes away for our growing family. Now to pack up our apartment!


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