Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 21

What is Baby Up To At 21 Weeks?  

  • Baby is about the size of a pomegranate- or about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 ounces. 
  • His digestive system preps for the outside world.
21 weeks with Oliver
21 weeks with baby #3

It is hard to tell because of the flash in Oliver's picture but this is the same shirt.
How is Mama Feeling?
Weight Gain: Just barely making it to +1 pound this week putting me at 101.0lbs with a total of 5 pounds gained so far. Hoping to continue to gain about a pound a week until delivery. Just 18 more weeks!
Exercise: A few double stroller mall walks with a mom friend.
Craving: Lettuce, not in a salad, not with dressing, just cold lettuce. Very weird.
Eating: Bananas, cereal, tuna, soup, and chicken
Maternity clothes: Pretty much wearing only maternity clothes! After squeezing into a size 0 dress from high school this past weekend at 21 weeks pregnant and getting dizzy... I decided its about time.
Matt and I were able to enjoy sometime alone at a wedding this past weekend!
  • Tired: Back to napping during the boys nap time most days this week
  • Heartburn
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Back pain: This is most likely due to being in a car for 8 hours this weekend.
  • Movement: His kicks are getting stronger each day. Also, he has curled up in a ball a few times on one side and it gets rock hard. I remember this happening with Oliver... just not this early.
  • Itchy belly: Still using bio oil after showers.
  • Trouble sleeping: Been having some trouble getting comfortable.
Random Facts:
  • No signs of swelling. Yet...
  • No stretch marks, I didn’t get any with my two other pregnancies. Though, I know I could still get them. Especially if I make it all the way to our c-section date.
  • Belly button: Is and has been an outtie for a month or so now.
  • Wearing mostly all maternity clothes at this point. 
  • Everyday around 1pm (during the boys naptime) baby #3 has a party in my belly. I am hoping that changes when he is born considering that is my only time to get anything done ha ha! 
  • Ordered baby #3 a few things off etsy this week... definitely makes it more real. 
Here are a few of my favorites:

mini navy heart leggings

Nursery wall decoration (no his name is not Hunter) :)

Newborn hipster hat

By the Number:
  • Days until our 24 week doctor appointment: 20
  • Days until Halloween: 22
  • Days left in our apartment: 29
  • Days until c-sections: 126
  • Total pounds gained: 5
What I love: Bonding with our baby boy and his kicks that my husband can enjoy with me.
Looking Forward To: The Fall weather

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